Thursday, January 24, 2013

Born on the Bayou: Baton Rouge Auditions

I'm all snuggled up with my kitties ready for more debates between Mariah and Nicki! Let's see what happens tonight down in the bayou aka Baton Rouge!

So the first constestant, Megan Miller, just got in an accident 3 days ago?! She has so much strength. There is no way I could ever audition, especially with a broken leg. I have to admit she is pretty good. I was expecting her to be one of those pretty girls who thought she was good at everything. Randy says she's a natural, but I can't see her winning. =( Oh, well, she's got spunk and "rolls with the punchs" says Nicki. She's through and we'll see what happens in the next round.

Seemingly Dark Mystery Man: Oh Charlie looks like a silly. He's "socially awkward." I suspect he will be good based on the background music playing lol. He chooses Queen for his audition. I can't tell if he's good or not because I don't know the song! I think he sounds like he's from the 50's or 60's? I'm proud of him for auditioning because of disorder, but I do not feel that he is right for the show. To me it is a mystery as to how he got 4 yes's. Sometimes this show surprises the hell out of me.

I am confused about this whole nomination thing? I just think that Randy going to random places and bringing people (who by the way have been teenagers so far) to the auditions is just weird. I mean, if it's your dream to be a singer, why wouldn't you just audition for yourself? I don't get it. But, on the flip side, the girl is pretty frickin' good. She got the golden ticket!

Ew, I hate the sucky people. And these people suck. Man in a chicken suit and a girl clucks like a chicken. I don't know what's wrong with people. Thank goodness it was only a short reel-clip and we can move on to more decent people... or what I suspect to be decent.

For his Grandpa: Oh, Paul succeeds in being better than the previous singers. He does have a "calling" as he puts it. I could most definitely here him on the radio. He did good with Rascal Flatts' "Don't Let Go." Mariah says it was effortless, and I agree. OOOOOHHH and his family is too cute. Cute families deserve a golden ticket.

This boy is too excited. He SAYS he has an alter-ego, but doesn't. Nicki to the rescue with a nickname! MUSHROOM. His performace is too much. Maybe he's on mushrooms? Literally laughed out loud at Keith --> "He is a fun guy." Fun Guy = Fungi. This audition is so weird. Nicki runs her finger through 'Shroom's hair. Strange. It goes without saying that he would never get a ticket. But he still thinks Nicki is a Doll. Don't we all?

Yay! I already love this doctor singer, Calvin. He is a cutie patootie. B-E-A-U-TIFUL smile. He is so good. I think he sounds a little bit like Brian McKnight? In Love. If he goes through, he will be my Lee DeWyze. (He was my number one fav on season 9.) But that may be a little premature. He is happy happy happy. And he is followed by some very, very good female singers! I love nights like this where they actually show the talent.

Nicki is melting in the hot LA weather. She is getting ready to be cooled down by a Firefighter! First thing out of her mouth: You got a girlfriend? Hahahaha! He sings and sounds like a wonderous Southern Man. Here's their song advice: That would be fun. PS I think his regular talking voice sounds like Channing Tatum, I think that will earn him a few votes later on.

Eye Opener: Burnell Jones, Katrina victim, is up. He comes from a very musical family so I suspect he is going to have some God-given talent. Wow! I was right. Ususally someone this good they just stop, but he just keeps going and going and going. Wonderful. He has talent, stage presence, confidence. He made Mariah cry! I can see him being on the show and I WILL cry when he has a band and back up singers behind him. I'm ready for the goosies.

Ready for next weeks auditions! Remember to watch Wednesdays and Thursdays 8/7c
Follow the judges for live tweeting: @KeithUrban, @YO_RANDYJACKSON, @MariahCarey, @NICKIMINAJ, @RyanSeacrest. Until next week, xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Here is a link to some of the people who got through to Hollywood!!/media/set/?set=a.10152488364395601.961259.123984435600&type=1
