Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sudden Death: The First 10 Guys' One Shot

I feel so out of place! I haven't written a post in a while because I haven't been able to watch the show live. So tonight I feel like I'm getting to see these guys for the very first time.

First up is....

Paul Jolley: "Tonight I Want to Cry" by Keith Urban
I though that Paul was trying too hard. He definitely has the potential to be super good, but I guess the confidence wasn't there, so he was trying to prove it. Throughout the song, he had solid vocals but I thought the last few notes were pitchy.
Keith - agreed that he doesn't need to overcompensate. Just stick with his solid vocals.
Nicki - she felt that the song was a little understated for him and during the performance she said his eyes were too theatrical.
Randy - He also thought that the end notes were sharp. He thought that Paul has a full range and was capable of performing all types of genres.

Johnny Keyser: "I Won't Give Up" by Jason Mraz
Again, I thought he was kind of forcing the song. Once he hit the chorus, though, it sounded more natural and he became more comfortable on stage.
K - "Best you've sung." He also said the performance sounded effortless.
N - said that Johnny showed no nerves and was relaxed
R - just an ok performance

JDA: "Rumor Has It" by Adele
I thought he started off very well, but through the middle and end sounded pretty nasally and I didn't care for it. After seeing him sprawl out on the floor, it was just too dramatic and theatrical.
K - liked his originality but didn't like how he could feel that every move was planned.
N - called him a "superstar performer" she liked his organic feel with the audience. Even though she liked the performance, she also thought that the vocals weren't very good and were a little whiny.
R - thought he was way too keyed in on the performance and didn't pay enough attention to the vocals. He agreed with Keith and thought that there was no originality in his moves on stage.
Mariah - She disagreed with everyone and thought that there was no wavering in his voice at all.

Kevin Harris: "(Everything I Do) I Do It for You" by Bryan Adams
During auditions and Hollywood Week everyone called him "Butter" and I definitely understand why. Even though I thought his voice sounded like the male version of Wanda Sykes (yes, I know that is weird), I could hear so much emotion. It was just beautiful.
K - thought he had a crazy range, but had mixed emotions. Even thought it sounded like he was all over the place, he was just showcasing what he can do.
N - "every choice was perfection" She loved his control, vibrato, and falsetto. To her, Kevin was the first boy that she thought "yes, 100%"
R - He was the opposite of Nicki. He disagreed 100%. Randy was bored with the song and thought it sounded like karaoke.
M - she said he was a born singer but should have picked a better song.

Chris Watson: "(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay" by Otis Redding
All I could here at the beginning of the song was a really bad Chris Brown.
K - Keith said that the show should be a "connection competition." He said Chris' voice was not good and he should have picked a better song. Although, Keith thought Chris had a lot of confidence.
N - she said that Chris was the prettiest man she had ever seen. She also wants to marry his vibrato.
R - Randy loves him as a person, but not so much vocally.
M - She was a little vague but said he was so triumphant and had tons of charisma

Top Row: Jimmy Smith, Charlie Askew, Kevin Harris, Curtis Finch, Jr., Chris Watson
Bottom Row: Johnny Keyser, Elijah Liu, Devin Velez, JDA, Paul Jolley

Devin Velez: "Listen" by Beyonce
I really liked how he enunciated every word. It almost sounded like a finale performance it was that good.
K - thought Devin made a connection with his voice.
N - thought he made a smart choice by singing part of the song in Spanish.
R - said he liked how Devin took the time to sing and had a great arrangement.
M - She could tell that he was critiquing himself at the end.

Elijah Liu: "Talking to the Moon" by Bruno Mars
You could definitely tell he was young; he has such a young voice. I thought he kind of got lost and off key in the ooooooh's and the aaaahhhhhhh's throughout the song.
K - good song choice but a shaky performance. Thought he looked like a relevant pop star.
N - "super-duper star" ...she wants to have his babies... She would sign him today because he has such a marketable face and voice.
R - He thought Elijah did not have a great voice and did not feel any great moments.
M - She disagreed and thought he had control in his falsetto and softer voice.

Charlie Askew: "Rocketman" by Elton John
You could for sure see the nerves running through him. I was kind of on the fence about this kid. It sounded like he'd been doing this all his entire life, but also it didn't have a star quality to it.
K - "What the hell?" there was a lot of originality and "I bet no one left the TV."
N - he is the the most interesting and smartest person on the show. His awkwardness and weirdness excites her.
M - She thought that other moments for him were more unique.

Jimmy Smith: "Raining on Sunday" by Keith Urban
I thought this was a very good performance but didn't have anything too special to it.
N - good vocals but she was a little bored
R - he also thought it was boring
M - Mariah has been fighting for him all along. She felt the pressure of the night on Jimmy but thinks that there is something about him that America should see.

Curtis Finch, Jr.: "Don't You Remember" by Luther Vandross
It was so dramatic that all I could hear was the Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of Oz. But he did have a very wide range that was impressive.
K - it was really beautiful, but some parts were over-performed
N - he always takes the competition to another level
R - thinks he is one of the best, but needs to keep it young
M - Curtis' performance moved her to tears, but thinks he needs to loosen up and relax.

After the performances the judges debated to pick the five guys that will move on.
They are:
1. Curtis Finch, Jr.
2. Elijah Liu
3. Paul Jolley
4. Charlie Askew
5. Devin Velez

Next week we'll get to see the next groups of 10 of the girls and guys!

Until next time, xoxo
Comment your thoughts!

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(photos pulled from American Idol Official Twitter and Facebook pages)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hollywood Week: The Girls (Night 1)

With many more girls than guys, the judges made quick and frequent cuts right in the beginning starting with the lines of 10 singing a capella.

Line One:
-Angela Miller: I didn't recognize the song but I thought she did very good. She has a sound that would you can imagine being on the radio. She made it through to the next round.
-Victoria Acosta: Killing Me Softly - since she sings mariachi, she was made to sing a song with so much emotion. There was one little part in the middle that she missed, but she recovered. She, too, made it through.
-Mariah Pulice: Gravity - I thought she sounded way nasaly and off key. Obviously the judges agreed because they sent her home.

County Girls:
-Rachel Hale: Nicki says she has a quality that is so relatable, but I don't see it. I think she is kind of fake. She pulled me to her side at the very end of her song, but I didn't care for it that much.
-Janelle Arthur: At first I thought she was pretty fake, too. But once she started singing I thought she was genuine and had a beautiful tone.
Both girls get to continue. Way to represent Country!

Judge Favorites:
Candace Glover: If this were the finale, she would win. Hands down.
Megan Miller: Titanium - I didn't like her personality when she first auditions, but this girl can sing!
But only Candace made it though while Megan was sent home.

Isabelle: This one named girl sings with a little attitude and a lot of soul. Of course she made it through!

Kez Ban: This girl is one of a kind, for sure. Her audition was actually really good, but tonight she had a bit of a cold and her voice was really flat.
Briana Oakley: I, again, do not know the song she sang, but she did good! She is a young girl and you can tell in her voice, but that doesn't really matter. She reminds me of someone but I can't quite but my finger on it... I'll let you know later in the season. :)
Both girls, and everyone else in their line, made it through to group rounds.

Group Rounds:
Just like the boys, the producers pick the groups. As one girl said, "The claws are coming out."

The Swagettes: Hit 'Em Up Style - Kamaria Ousley, Melinda Ademi, Candice Glover, Denise Jackson; They really sounded like a real group! That was so good! Each girl did very good. It showed; they all went through.


Raisin' Cane: Sin Wagon - I am a country girl, but these girls just look and sound like they are in a talent show. It was a little overwhelming with the "Southern Belle"-ness. But they make it through, with cupcakes, ice cream, and painted toenails, no less... those are gifts from Nicki?

Almost Famous: Somebody That I Used to Know - Savannah Votion, Lizz Weiss, Daysia Hall, J'Leigh Chauvin; They definitely made this song their own, but I think some of the girls lost some of the lyrics. They worked the night away to create the harmonies, but I don't think they pulled it off.
Only Daysia made it through, which is weird because I thought she was one of the worst from the group.

The Dramatics: If I Die Young - Kriss Mincey, Janel Stinney, Cristabel Clack, (there was one more unnamed group member); Well, they lived up to their name. That was no where like the original AT ALL. Janel was so worried about rehearsing the song, but she missed most of the lyrics. Although she kind of recovered and sang beautiful notes. Some how they pulled it off because they all stayed.

Urban Hue: American Boy - Seretha Guinn, Tenna Torres, Kiara Lanier, (4th member); I thought this group had it together, but Nicki was glad it was over. Sometimes mine opinions are just the exact opposite of the judges; how strange. Seretha is the only one to go home. That one blew my mind. I honestly thought she was going to say the only one to go through. Shocking.

The Pooh Snaps: Knock On Wood - Erin Christine, Zoanette Johnson, Lauren Bettes, Isabelle; I thought this rendition was kind of good actually. But Zoanette needs to go. All she did was scream and it was very unattractive. Of course. I have differing opinions again. Only Lauren was sent home.

Handsome Women: Somebody That I Used to Know - Shira Gavrielov, Alisha Dixon, Liz Bills, Courney Calle; Randy was shaking his head through this entire performance... Each of these girls sucked, but yet again were surprisingly good. I guess I'm just on the fence about them. The judges were not. Liz was the only one who went through. She has a very strange personality, but a good voice, which I guess is all you need? Shira was pissed and went back on stage to ask for an explanation and was given the answer that it just isn't her time.

Oh, hey, another Somebody That I Used to Know. Stepahni Schimel, Alex Delaney, Kalli Therinae, Holly Miller; This group chose to do Total Eclipse of the Heart, but changed songs 2 hours before the performance.  Only Kalli knew the words to the song, but that didn't matter. Stephanie and Holly were the two through.

The Dolly Chicks: Sin Wagon - Brandy Neely, Haley Davis, Britnee Kellogg, Kree Harrison; For the most part I thought they were good. Haley didn't stay up and rehearse with the girls so she had to write the lyrics on her WHOLE arm. I think Nicki brought up some very good points about being a group: staying up together to learn the lyrics, play the music, etc. But, as we've seen tonight, only your voice matters. Haley, Kree, and Britnee make it through to the next round.

The Misfits: Be My Baby - Kez Ban, Angela Miler, Janelle Arthur, Breanna Steer; I was very surprised by Kez Ban's audition, but tonight's performance was awful. Aside from her, the other 3 were spectacular. However, alllllll 4 go through. "Best Group of the day" according to Nicki.

Sometimes this show blows my mind. Let's see how my opinions and the judge' differ tomorrow!

Until next time, xoxo
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(photos pulled from American Idol Official Twitter and Facebook pages)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hollywood Week: The Boys (Night 2)

Tonight wraps up Hollywood week for the guys. Tonight they perform solos, then the group will be cut again in groups of eight.

For the first group, Paul Jolley, Lazaro Arbos, and Curtis ??? somebody who is from STL. (This is when I really need DVR!!! So I can rewind and have the right thing!) [PS after looking this up on Google, I found his name is Curits Finch Jr. I would still like DVR, though.] Paul sang Carrie Underwood's "Blown Away." Behind stage he was a mess, as well as on stage. He wasn't very confident in himself and kept saying he didn't want to go home, which oddly enough makes me want to send you home. Lazaro sang "Edge of Glory" by Lady Gaga. I, personally, did not like his rendition. I still empathize with his story of having a stutter, but I don't care for him and would like to see him leave. Last featured from this group was Curtis Finch Jr. He performed "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri. I thought this was way too theatrical, and he kind of spoke some of the words instead of sang them. But, I am not a judge, so I have no say who goes through and who doesn't. I would have sent all three of these gentlemen home, but they are through one more round.

The next group featured Devin Velez with "What a Wonderful World," Gupreet Sarin aka "The Turbanator" with "Georgia on My Mind," Cortez Shaw, and Matheus Fernandes with "Makes You Stronger." I REALLY liked Devin's song. He has a very nice and smooth voice. I would like to see him get onto the live show. Gupreet's was average. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either.  The next song, I did hate. This was the first time Matheus had performed with a live band. The first thing he says before the song is his name and age. He, again, points out the fact that he is not 12, he is just short. Nicki calls him out on it and says he needs to quit throwing a pity party. I totally agree with her. There is no reason to keep bringing it up. But on top of that, it just wasn't good.
Of the eight, Devin, Gupreet, Cortez, Adam made it through.

TL: Papa Peachez, TR: Matheus Fernandes, BL: Gupreet Sarin, BR: Cortez Shaw

Nicholas Mathes (Bruno Mars' "Locked Out of Heaven"), Papa Peachez (Lady Gaga's "You and I"), and Jimmy Smith (Dixie Chicks' "Landslide") were featured in the next group. I thought that Nicholas was not very good. He had stood out last night in prior rounds, but the tension just got to him. I thought he sounded pretty pitchy. I have not been a fan of Papa Peachez from the beginnin and nothing has changed tonight. I feel that his singing voice is too deep and forced. It is not quite nasally, but there is something about it that is not soothing. Jimmy I thought did fairly well. I have not noticed him in previous episodes, so I thought tonight was ok. Afterwards Nicki, again, commented on Papa's complacency. She said that his fire is completely gone. I would be fine with him being completely gone. She also said to the entire group "This was the time to fight for your life..." and if you didn't you are probably upset at yourself "and you should be."
Nicholas and Papa were the only two to go home.

Nick Bottington is the first up for the next group. I didn't realize he got cut during Hollywood Week last season, but after they showed a clip, I remembered I liked him! I do not know the song he is playing, but he has made the decision to play the piano himself; I enjoyed it. Charlie Askew, the kid with social issues, chose Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know." I thought it would be kind of bad, but it really wasn't. It was not like the original because he wasn't as raspy. He may have gotten past some of his social-awkwardness: Nicki said she was obsessed with him and he replied "Baby, I could say the same thing." Not going to lie, my jaw dropped.
Nick, Mathany, one of the "feminine" guys from the Country Queen group, and Charlie were asked to stay for one more round.

L: Curtis Finch Jr., M: Burnell Taylor, R: Marvin Caderon

Burnell Taylor also sang "Jar of Hearts" and I do not like it. I liked him in other rounds, but this is just not doing it for me. He pronounced "time" as "ti-i-i-i-i-me." Marvin Caderon also sang this song, but this one was actually good. I liked it, not as much Perri's obviously. They both got through, though. =/

Micah Jonhson chooses Randy Travis' "I Told You So" which is one of my favorite songs. A favorite song sung by my favorite contestant. Yay! =) Micah did not sing as powerful as some of the other things he has done before. I think it was a good rendition, but Mariah expected more out of him. SHOCKING!!!!!! They booted him! My heart is literally broken. And then on top of that some of my other favorites are sent home: Gabe Brown, Sanni, Nate Tao. What is this world coming to! Hopefully my fav girls will stay next week!

Until next time, xoxo
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(photos pulled from American Idol Official Twitter and Facebook pages)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hollywood Week: The Boys (Night 1)

It's here! It's here! It's here! The most intense week of the contestants' lives. 20 guys and 20 girls will be chosen to be featured on the live competition, but first they'll have to go through the dreaded Hollywood rounds. This is Hollywood Round! 

This year, the girls and guys are separated. We only get to see the guys perform tonight/this week. This is sure to be a talented group of guys. The first round is a group of 10 singing a capella. They will face their judgement on the spot.

First up is one of my fav's, Micah Johnson. He and three others in his group got through. Other fav's Nate Tao, Gabe Brown, and "The Turbinator" made it through as well in other groups. In another group Karl Skinner (Missouri Native!) was a key singer, but was sent home. Following him was another of my favorites, "The Singing Doctor."

Cortez Shaw, who we did not see during auditions, sang Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You." I thought that it was a pretty decent version, and I would have seen him through. Obviously the some of the judges thought different. Nicki thought it was a hideous rendition and said she wanted to send him home immediately. But, she was outweighed and Cortez got through.

Lazaro Arbos is up next. He is the one who has a terrible stutter. It took him a minute to say the name of his song... "Angels," one of my favorite songs. I didn't think he did well. I would cut him. Keith sends him through because it is miraculous how he can sing so clearly, but not speak. He, along with half of the guys, gets to move the next round.

And what is the next round??? Groups! It is the most stressful of the challenges, but I love them. And this year there is a new rule: the producers pick which group you are in. This is a big deal. Introductions and alliances have been made, and the producers just flipped their world. They have less than 24 hours to remember lyrics, choreograph a routine, and pull it all together.

The Math-Heads: This group includes Matheus who is vertically challenged. They choose "Somebody to Love." Of course they don't do as good as the Glee version, but it is good. Nicki asks them one by one to step forward and finally tells them they are through, in a British accent no less.

Normal Hills: Johny Keyser is in this group. He is a returning contestant, so he knows how this all goes. BUTTTTTT, he forgets the words during the performance, along with everyone else in his group. This, obviously, is a big no-no. If they go through, it will be a miracle for them.
They got their miracle... 3 of the 4 guys go through, obviously for their voices.

And all four of The Four Tones go through including Micah Johnson. This makes me happy. What doesn't make me happy are the groups that messed up "What Makes you Beautiful" and "Don't You Want to Stay." Some of these people actually stayed.

B-Side: This group sings "Payphone" by Maroon 5. And they also don't know the words. I think if they did know the words, it wouldn't be any better. Randy called it a train wreck. Side note: One of the guys wears a turban, and Keith mentions, "I would be Keith Turban." I laughed. Well, they all went through, which is so strange.

Last Minute: It seems here is another group that can't remember the words!!!! Hello! One Direction! Not that difficult! I have a feeling these boys will not be as lucky as the previous group. "If the word 'wrongest' can be used, that was the wrongest choice." - Keith Urban

I don't know the name of this next group... they take a risk and sing "Payphone" a capella. They say no risk, no return. I thought it was actually really good, but the judges didn't like it. I guess they liked it well enough to send 3 of the 4 guys through to solos.

Mo-Flo: Tony Foster, Jr. stands out to me in this group; Burnell Taylor's voice is very 50's-ish to me; besides the few ending notes, I thought it was real good; would you look at that?! The two that I liked out of that group got to stay. I guess I do know what I'm talking about sometimes.

Super 55: This young group of guys didn't do so hot. You hear the judges say multiple times "close enough." And then they were off the beat by just a hair, so they were off the whole song. Sadnesssssss. While the guys all said that Lazaro was holding them back, he was sent through and two of his teammates got sent home.

Country Queen: Two of these guys are very fem and wear heels. The first guy, Lee, is not so good. And JDA, is kind of good. Joel, ok. As for Trevor, I thought he was good from the clips that I saw, but he missed almost every word. I think I think they are bad, but I can't tell for sure. For me, it was a poor song choice. I know it's not the live competition so they don't have to be too conscious about song choice, but I didn't like it. Awwwww shucks, the two country boys go home and the....eclectic....characters stay.

Yay! The youngest boys are up.
DKSK: David Leathers, who missed the live shows by one spot last season, is in this group. I distinctly remember wanting him and not Ebon to go through last season. Let's see how he does this go around. I think David did the best from what I could hear. Kayden didn't do so well, and my other favorite, Sanni, did ok from what I heard. Sanni and David make it through, but Kayden and the other boy (whose name starts with a K...that's all I know) went home.

Oz: Frankie, Charles, Papa Peachez, Adam. DRAMA. Oh jeez. Frankie is crying behind stage like a little girl. I hope he goes home. So drama behind stage and on stage apparently. Frankie still seemed so depressed, Papa was...Papa, Adam, I just don't like him, and Charles was fabulous. The drama continues to post-song critique when discussing how they meshed and worked together. The "big personalities" made it a problem. And Frankie is the only one who is sent home. Not was I was expecting, but I'll take it. Oh, ps, more drama. Mariah starts crying because she feels bad for Frankie. Boo hoo.

Well ending with Frankie walking away crying and mouthing was an interesting way to end the show. At least there is still tomorrow to finish up the boys with solos.

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Until next time, xoxo

(photos pulled from American Idol Twitter and Facebook pages)