Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hollywood Week: The Boys (Night 2)

Tonight wraps up Hollywood week for the guys. Tonight they perform solos, then the group will be cut again in groups of eight.

For the first group, Paul Jolley, Lazaro Arbos, and Curtis ??? somebody who is from STL. (This is when I really need DVR!!! So I can rewind and have the right thing!) [PS after looking this up on Google, I found his name is Curits Finch Jr. I would still like DVR, though.] Paul sang Carrie Underwood's "Blown Away." Behind stage he was a mess, as well as on stage. He wasn't very confident in himself and kept saying he didn't want to go home, which oddly enough makes me want to send you home. Lazaro sang "Edge of Glory" by Lady Gaga. I, personally, did not like his rendition. I still empathize with his story of having a stutter, but I don't care for him and would like to see him leave. Last featured from this group was Curtis Finch Jr. He performed "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri. I thought this was way too theatrical, and he kind of spoke some of the words instead of sang them. But, I am not a judge, so I have no say who goes through and who doesn't. I would have sent all three of these gentlemen home, but they are through one more round.

The next group featured Devin Velez with "What a Wonderful World," Gupreet Sarin aka "The Turbanator" with "Georgia on My Mind," Cortez Shaw, and Matheus Fernandes with "Makes You Stronger." I REALLY liked Devin's song. He has a very nice and smooth voice. I would like to see him get onto the live show. Gupreet's was average. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either.  The next song, I did hate. This was the first time Matheus had performed with a live band. The first thing he says before the song is his name and age. He, again, points out the fact that he is not 12, he is just short. Nicki calls him out on it and says he needs to quit throwing a pity party. I totally agree with her. There is no reason to keep bringing it up. But on top of that, it just wasn't good.
Of the eight, Devin, Gupreet, Cortez, Adam made it through.

TL: Papa Peachez, TR: Matheus Fernandes, BL: Gupreet Sarin, BR: Cortez Shaw

Nicholas Mathes (Bruno Mars' "Locked Out of Heaven"), Papa Peachez (Lady Gaga's "You and I"), and Jimmy Smith (Dixie Chicks' "Landslide") were featured in the next group. I thought that Nicholas was not very good. He had stood out last night in prior rounds, but the tension just got to him. I thought he sounded pretty pitchy. I have not been a fan of Papa Peachez from the beginnin and nothing has changed tonight. I feel that his singing voice is too deep and forced. It is not quite nasally, but there is something about it that is not soothing. Jimmy I thought did fairly well. I have not noticed him in previous episodes, so I thought tonight was ok. Afterwards Nicki, again, commented on Papa's complacency. She said that his fire is completely gone. I would be fine with him being completely gone. She also said to the entire group "This was the time to fight for your life..." and if you didn't you are probably upset at yourself "and you should be."
Nicholas and Papa were the only two to go home.

Nick Bottington is the first up for the next group. I didn't realize he got cut during Hollywood Week last season, but after they showed a clip, I remembered I liked him! I do not know the song he is playing, but he has made the decision to play the piano himself; I enjoyed it. Charlie Askew, the kid with social issues, chose Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know." I thought it would be kind of bad, but it really wasn't. It was not like the original because he wasn't as raspy. He may have gotten past some of his social-awkwardness: Nicki said she was obsessed with him and he replied "Baby, I could say the same thing." Not going to lie, my jaw dropped.
Nick, Mathany, one of the "feminine" guys from the Country Queen group, and Charlie were asked to stay for one more round.

L: Curtis Finch Jr., M: Burnell Taylor, R: Marvin Caderon

Burnell Taylor also sang "Jar of Hearts" and I do not like it. I liked him in other rounds, but this is just not doing it for me. He pronounced "time" as "ti-i-i-i-i-me." Marvin Caderon also sang this song, but this one was actually good. I liked it, not as much Perri's obviously. They both got through, though. =/

Micah Jonhson chooses Randy Travis' "I Told You So" which is one of my favorite songs. A favorite song sung by my favorite contestant. Yay! =) Micah did not sing as powerful as some of the other things he has done before. I think it was a good rendition, but Mariah expected more out of him. SHOCKING!!!!!! They booted him! My heart is literally broken. And then on top of that some of my other favorites are sent home: Gabe Brown, Sanni, Nate Tao. What is this world coming to! Hopefully my fav girls will stay next week!

Until next time, xoxo
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(photos pulled from American Idol Official Twitter and Facebook pages)

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