Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hollywood Week: The Girls (Night 1)

With many more girls than guys, the judges made quick and frequent cuts right in the beginning starting with the lines of 10 singing a capella.

Line One:
-Angela Miller: I didn't recognize the song but I thought she did very good. She has a sound that would you can imagine being on the radio. She made it through to the next round.
-Victoria Acosta: Killing Me Softly - since she sings mariachi, she was made to sing a song with so much emotion. There was one little part in the middle that she missed, but she recovered. She, too, made it through.
-Mariah Pulice: Gravity - I thought she sounded way nasaly and off key. Obviously the judges agreed because they sent her home.

County Girls:
-Rachel Hale: Nicki says she has a quality that is so relatable, but I don't see it. I think she is kind of fake. She pulled me to her side at the very end of her song, but I didn't care for it that much.
-Janelle Arthur: At first I thought she was pretty fake, too. But once she started singing I thought she was genuine and had a beautiful tone.
Both girls get to continue. Way to represent Country!

Judge Favorites:
Candace Glover: If this were the finale, she would win. Hands down.
Megan Miller: Titanium - I didn't like her personality when she first auditions, but this girl can sing!
But only Candace made it though while Megan was sent home.

Isabelle: This one named girl sings with a little attitude and a lot of soul. Of course she made it through!

Kez Ban: This girl is one of a kind, for sure. Her audition was actually really good, but tonight she had a bit of a cold and her voice was really flat.
Briana Oakley: I, again, do not know the song she sang, but she did good! She is a young girl and you can tell in her voice, but that doesn't really matter. She reminds me of someone but I can't quite but my finger on it... I'll let you know later in the season. :)
Both girls, and everyone else in their line, made it through to group rounds.

Group Rounds:
Just like the boys, the producers pick the groups. As one girl said, "The claws are coming out."

The Swagettes: Hit 'Em Up Style - Kamaria Ousley, Melinda Ademi, Candice Glover, Denise Jackson; They really sounded like a real group! That was so good! Each girl did very good. It showed; they all went through.


Raisin' Cane: Sin Wagon - I am a country girl, but these girls just look and sound like they are in a talent show. It was a little overwhelming with the "Southern Belle"-ness. But they make it through, with cupcakes, ice cream, and painted toenails, no less... those are gifts from Nicki?

Almost Famous: Somebody That I Used to Know - Savannah Votion, Lizz Weiss, Daysia Hall, J'Leigh Chauvin; They definitely made this song their own, but I think some of the girls lost some of the lyrics. They worked the night away to create the harmonies, but I don't think they pulled it off.
Only Daysia made it through, which is weird because I thought she was one of the worst from the group.

The Dramatics: If I Die Young - Kriss Mincey, Janel Stinney, Cristabel Clack, (there was one more unnamed group member); Well, they lived up to their name. That was no where like the original AT ALL. Janel was so worried about rehearsing the song, but she missed most of the lyrics. Although she kind of recovered and sang beautiful notes. Some how they pulled it off because they all stayed.

Urban Hue: American Boy - Seretha Guinn, Tenna Torres, Kiara Lanier, (4th member); I thought this group had it together, but Nicki was glad it was over. Sometimes mine opinions are just the exact opposite of the judges; how strange. Seretha is the only one to go home. That one blew my mind. I honestly thought she was going to say the only one to go through. Shocking.

The Pooh Snaps: Knock On Wood - Erin Christine, Zoanette Johnson, Lauren Bettes, Isabelle; I thought this rendition was kind of good actually. But Zoanette needs to go. All she did was scream and it was very unattractive. Of course. I have differing opinions again. Only Lauren was sent home.

Handsome Women: Somebody That I Used to Know - Shira Gavrielov, Alisha Dixon, Liz Bills, Courney Calle; Randy was shaking his head through this entire performance... Each of these girls sucked, but yet again were surprisingly good. I guess I'm just on the fence about them. The judges were not. Liz was the only one who went through. She has a very strange personality, but a good voice, which I guess is all you need? Shira was pissed and went back on stage to ask for an explanation and was given the answer that it just isn't her time.

Oh, hey, another Somebody That I Used to Know. Stepahni Schimel, Alex Delaney, Kalli Therinae, Holly Miller; This group chose to do Total Eclipse of the Heart, but changed songs 2 hours before the performance.  Only Kalli knew the words to the song, but that didn't matter. Stephanie and Holly were the two through.

The Dolly Chicks: Sin Wagon - Brandy Neely, Haley Davis, Britnee Kellogg, Kree Harrison; For the most part I thought they were good. Haley didn't stay up and rehearse with the girls so she had to write the lyrics on her WHOLE arm. I think Nicki brought up some very good points about being a group: staying up together to learn the lyrics, play the music, etc. But, as we've seen tonight, only your voice matters. Haley, Kree, and Britnee make it through to the next round.

The Misfits: Be My Baby - Kez Ban, Angela Miler, Janelle Arthur, Breanna Steer; I was very surprised by Kez Ban's audition, but tonight's performance was awful. Aside from her, the other 3 were spectacular. However, alllllll 4 go through. "Best Group of the day" according to Nicki.

Sometimes this show blows my mind. Let's see how my opinions and the judge' differ tomorrow!

Until next time, xoxo
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(photos pulled from American Idol Official Twitter and Facebook pages)

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