Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's All About the Girls! It's Ladies Night!

It's about time a girl wins this show! I'm ready to see the girls rock it out!
(P.S. I found some really cool photos showcasing the girls' outfits last week. If you like fashion and want to know more about some great looks, go to

Songs From The Year They Were Born

Candice: "Straight Up" by Paula Abdul in 1989 - 7
Candice has such a high level of musicality. She has a such a smooth voice and and can vocalize and create runs with such ease. I didn't think this was as up to par as her past performances but she really did a great job. I agree with Randy that the arrangement of the song made it feel more current than 1989.

Janelle: "When I Call Your Name" by Vince Gill in 1989 - 8
You can definitely tell that Janelle feels at home with her guitar and some old country music. And you can for sure hear her country twang when she sings. I like it. Again, I don't think this is her best performance, but I give her a lot of credit for having such confidence.

Kree: "She Talks to Angels" by The Black Crowes in 1990 - 9
Not that Kree doesn't have fun and have personality on stage, but during this performance I could tell it more. I honestly don't know how to "critique" Kree anymore. She is so freaking good. Randy commented on her natural ability and her natural blues undertones, which you get from Kree in every performance.

Angie: "I'll Stand By You" by The Pretenders in 1994 - 7
I don't know if she was nervous because she was dedicating the song to those in Boston, but she sounded very off key to me. I also could point out where she was enunciating every single word where it didn't need to be SO precise. Definitely not my favorite performance by her by far.... but the judges gave it a standing ovation? So that's weird.

Amber: "Without You" by Mariah Carey (cover) in 1994 - 7
Boring!!!! And I also couldn't understand some of her words. She picked it up in the second half of the song, but it still wasn't my favorite. The last note sounded a little flat, too. I did not think it was as beautiful as Keith thought. I know everyone has not been impressed with Nicki this season, but I totally get where she is coming from when she was talking about the low notes and having no feeling at the beginning. I thought the same thing --> no emotion = boring.

Diva Songs
Candi G: "When You Believe" by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston - 10
One of my all time favorite songs!!!! She brought me to tears. =) While I think that her best performance was "I Who Have Nothing" a few weeks ago, she killed it tonight. I feel like I've said this a million times but this sounded like her winning/final performance. Really, really good.

Jazelle: "Dumb Blonde" by Dolly Parton - 6
Of course Janelle would be singing Dolly. I think she tried to create a new arrangement so the song would sound current, but to me it just sounded weird. It was sort of rock, but had her country twang, and it was too soft and times and too strong at times. I don't know, I didn't like it. She sang it well for what she was working with, but I think the arrangement ruined it.

Hug Life: "Have You Ever Been in Love" by Celine Dion - 9.5
Kree got a standing ovation if that tells you how she did. Mariah brought up a good point. I knew the song sounded just a smidge off for my taste. It's because it didn't have that bluesy, soulful essence that Kree normally possesses, but she still rocked it.

A-Millz: "Halo" by Beyonce - 9
I am pleasantly surprised about how well Angie did with this song. She truly did sound like a diva pop-star. She put forth a lot of effort and it really turned out well in her favor. She had so many good "moments" in that song. The standing ovation was well deserved. This was the song where Angie could focus on her "clarity" (in the words of Mariah) and pronunciation.

Amberessence: "What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life" by Barbara Streisand - 8
The song itself bored me, but her performance was so good. It was so elegant and 1950-ish. It was so unlike her normal performances. She was stunning and the judges all loved her.

My votes are for Kree this week. Normally I would vote for two or three people, but I wasn't overly thrilled with anyone else's performances. Sorry girls!!!

Until next time, xoxo
Comment your thoughts! Let me know what you think of the contestants!

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(photos pulled from American Idol Official Twitter and Facebook pages)

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