Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Rockin' Their Way to the Top

It's been awhile since I've been able to blog and watch Idol at the same time! Seems like I'm starting this blogging project all over again.

This week I will rate the contestants on a 1-10 scale. I normally do this every week when I watch the show throughout the seasons. I am a little too addicted to this show....

Burnell: "You Give Love a Bad Name" by Aerosmith -- 8
I could tell that he was uncomfortable singing outside his genre. The judges commented on that as well. One piece of advice that makes total sense is to make it his own. He sang the original song, but he could have changed the arrangement to make it original to him.

Kree: "Piece of My Heart" by Janice Joplin -- 9
Kree can do no wrong. Period. I got the goosies. Whoop Whoop! The judges all thought she did "magnificent" too! Wonderful voice, wonderful performance!

Janelle: "You Make Me Right" by Billy Joel -- 7.5
I normally really like Janelle, but this week I felt a little bored. It was not a boring song, but compared to her past performances, I didn't like it as well. But all the judges liked it and thought she has been the one contestant that has progressed through each round.

Lazaro: "We Are the Champions" by Queen -- 5
Luckily he remembered all the words this time. I just thought it sounded like a mediocre karaoke song.

Candice: "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" by The Rolling Stone -- 10
Aside from her amazing vocals, that was the best performance of any of the contestants. She was so natural and fluid on stage that it seemed like she was at her own concert.

Amber: "What About Love" by Heart -- 9
I really liked it because while this is a rock song, she made it her own by making it R&B and adding a lot of runs and vocalizing more. She sort of turned it into a ballad which really worked for her. Nicki complimented her on her believability.

Angie: "Bring Me to Life" by Evanescence -- 10
I LOVE her voice! I think at the beginning of the season, she got on my nerves. But each week I like her more and more. The judges didn't love it as much as I did saying she needs to feel the song. I thought she did, but what do I know?!

(Left to right: Burnell Taylor, Candice Glover, Angie Miller, Amber Holcomb, Janelle Arthur, Lazaro Arbos, and Kree Harrison)
My votes this week are for Kree, Candice and Angie. Who are you voting/did you vote for???
I want to know what you thought of the performances!!!

Until next time, xoxo
Comment your thoughts! Let me know what you think of the contestants!

Remember to follow @AmericanIdol on Twitter and like the Facebook page.

(photos pulled from American Idol Official Twitter and Facebook pages)

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