Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Idols Take on The Beatles

First thought when I realized it was Beatles Week: "I hate Beatles Week!" I may be one of the few who do NOT like the Beatles. I do like some of their songs, but I like them with a modern twist. Hopefully that's what we'll see tonight!

Kree Harrison: "With a Little Help From My Friends"
Every time I hear Kree sing, it just sounds so effortless. This rendition was just marvelous. The judges commented on her "Kree-ness" and her confidence.

Burnell Taylor: "Let It Be"
Burnell has the most unique voice ever. It sounds a little weird with this song. Not weird, just unfamiliar. It turned out pretty good.
-caress, raspy, smart choices, genuine, consistent, recognizable, soulful. Just a few words the judges used to describe the performance.

Amber Holcomb: "She's Leaving Home"
The beginning was a little rough and too slow for me, but once she got into the swing of things I thought it was beautiful. I liked when she hit the high and long notes.
Pretty much Randy said the exact same thing I did.

Lazaro Arbos: "In My Life"
His performance wasn't boring by any means, but there really was nothing special about it.
The judges critiqued him on his tone/range and attitude/confidence. They weren't too harsh in my opinion, but it looked like Lazaro was just bust out crying. He did shed a few on stage, but I bet he goes backstage and just starts bawling.

Candice Glover: "Come Together"
It seemed like everyone loved it, but I thought she was kind of screaming the song instead of singing. Apparently I don't know what I'm talking about because the judges are just going on and on and on about how wonderful her big voice is.

Paul Jolley: "Eleanor Rigby"
I thought this performance was really good and I could hear this on the radio.
Again, I'm different than the judges. Nicki hated it and said it was forgettable. Randy said it was only good when he hit the sweet spot, but it was too safe.

Angie Miller: "Yesterday"
Wonderful. That's the only thing I can say. While her voice doesn't sound at all like Adele, that song sounds similar to what Adele's album, 19, sounded like. I loved it, 100%.
Randy compared her to Haley from Paramore and that so makes sense.

Devin Velez: "The Long and Winding Road"
Got the goosies! In the intro Devin said he wanted to tap into Brian McKnight, well I certainly felt that! That almost made my stomach hurt I liked it so much.
Basically, they judges loved it.

Janelle Arthur: "I Will"
Janelle kind of gets on my nerves, but I thought that was pretty good. She sounded so modern and added her own little country flare to it.
Go figure, Nicki is OBSESSED with Janelle. It will the a special day when she isn't obsessed with someone.

My votes will be for: Kree, Angie, and Devin.
Who are you voting for?!
I predict that Lazaro will be going home.
We will see the final results tomorrow night!

Until next time, xoxo
Comment your thoughts! Let me know what you think of the contestants!

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(photos pulled from American Idol Official Twitter and Facebook pages)

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