Saturday, March 2, 2013

Guys' Sudden Death!! (Week 2)

     Well this has been a very hectic week and, of course, I missed the live shows AGAIN. Thank goodness I was able to have my good ol' parents DVR this week's shows. I will be writing about just the boys for this week. Instead of giving a recap of what the judges think, I will be giving you a little insight to my family's opinions as they watch with me.

Mathenee Treco: "A Little Less Conversation" by Elvis
   This guy is definitely an entertainer. His vocals were not the best I've ever heard, but he had so much energy and feeling! All in all I thought it was great! My mom, Tricia, totally agrees with me and thought it was very good.

Gupreet Sighn Sarin a.k.a. "The Turbanator": "Nothing Ever Hurt Like You" by James Morrison
   When he came on the stage Mom said "I can't take him seriously" and my dad, Richie, said "It's time for him to go." I agree. It was: very karaoke, flat, and boring. Now, I said I wasn't giving the judges opinions, but Hello! Both Randy and Nicki told him he sucked, basically. I would bet he doesn't go through.

Vincent Powell: "Because I Love You" by Lenny Williams
   Vincent is a worship leader and it sure shows. This had so much soul and passion. But at one point his notes were so high I didn't even know what he was saying. Mom goes, "this can't get over soon enough." At first I thought it started out well, but by the middle, I was with my mom.

Nick Boddingtion: "Say Something Nice" by Donna Summer
   This has been a better performance than the last two, but it's very boring. It was very easy to listen to, but it wasn't great. As Randy would say, "there weren't any moments." However, my mom wasn't as nice as me because she didn't like it at all.

Josh Holiday: "Better With You" by Josh Holiday
   Well first of all, I love a boy that can play the piano so that makes him good automatically. Even though Josh was trying to make it in Nashville, I think he sounds very pop-y. But that's ok. I think he sounds like Ferras. I thought that was fairly good, but the very last note was AWFUL. I don't think my mom liked. She started fast forwarding through it during the middle. Of course I yelled at her.

Top Left: Josh Holiday, Bottom Left: David Oliver Willis, Middle Gupreet Sighn Sarin, Top Right: Mathenee Treco, Bottom Right: Bryant Tadeo

David Oliver Willis: "Fever" by Peggy Lee
   The look is so 1970's, but the sound is so...not. I've never heard this song performed with a guitar like this. I know that is so vague, but I have no idea about musical terms. My apologies. I do think this is a very original arrangement though. I am very on the fence about this performance. Mom thinks the same and says "I'm just not very interested in it." I think my dad lost interest (in the show not particularly this song) because I hear him snoring.

Bryant Tadeo: "New York State of Mind" by Billy Joel
   Three notes into the song I hear "I love it already." Best performance by far, I actually got the goosies (aka what previous judge, Jennifer Lopez, called goosebumps). That was just such a wonderful, smooth, easy, beautiful performance. And during the last three notes I hear "That was almost perfect." I do agree, Mother, I do agree.

Burnell Taylor: "This Time" by John Legend
   His voice sounded very young to me, but overall I thought it was pretty good. Like I keep saying, I don't know much about music, but it must have been good because the whole audience gave him a standing ovation. I think he has a fair shot at going through. It wasn't a smooth, buttery performance like some of the other competitors, but it had a lot of emotion and pep in it.

Lazaro Arbos: "Tonight I Want to Cry" by Keith Urban
   I still can't get over how this kid has such a bad stutter but can sing so clearly. I thought earlier in the season that he was super good. But tonight I don't like his super deep voice. I guess I'm just comparing it to Keith's version, but do you blame me? That didn't cut it for me. Well, my mom loves him and showed a little bias. Even though she didn't "love" it, it wasn't "horrible." Yeah, pretty much.

Cortez Shaw: "Titanium" by David Guetta
   I did not expect the high voice that came out with he sang. I guess it's been awhile since I heard his voice. I love, love, love that he enunciated every word. I hate when everything gets jumbled together like others do. I thought that the slower arrangement was really good, and I liked that he chose to showcase the piano. Mom and I both agree that we liked it.

Who Made It Through:
1. Vincent Powell
2. Lazaro Arbos
3. Cortez Shaw
4. Burnell Taylor
5. Nick Boddigton

Yet again I am astonished at some of the people they sent home. It never fails. But I am happy with a select few of the guys that got through. Hopefully on Wednesday I can actually watch live and not be surprised at what everyone sounds like!

Until next time, xoxo
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(photos pulled from American Idol Official Twitter and Facebook pages)

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